Three Homeric Hymns

by Fortunato Salazar

Hymn to Selene

In work gloves, with a sickle
the sickle from the longboat
a longboat of least concern
you’re in shape to crack the manual
the above set with inchworms
brought up in their school of strong silk
in cypress-shaded midnight
confident and reluctant and green
.you christen one glove Red
bury it in the furthest cypress grove
in a basket woven of cypress branches
it goes too far inward and one midnight
constellation gathers itself starts down
rethinks you and the constellation swaying
.sparring .you your earth-encrusted boots
track out onto the rough and you brush
a stake and you work off the boot
and the sun comes up and the ferries
ply the fairway and you espy
the way back out in one boot one glove.

Hymn to Athena

1599, smooth, milky
come ashore, reconnoiter
.harundinum speculatum .squeezey its body
sown binds a wound
sees beer in a paper carton for the first time
plasters up the wound
.plagam limo rursus obducit
sitz on a hard floor
was pointed at the frosted
glass door, ear to the frosted surface
does a ramp of soda
hit by a stray bullet loses its place in line
spills from its side w/o a sound
punched up w/honey rainwater
goes back to its reception until 16:00
survives a wide belt of desert
b/c all it needs is one sharp stalk
the sharp stalk always the bottleneck.

Hymn to Helios

I want to rent a pond
it’s not my pond so
I want to rent my own pond
a harmless pond and
a favorite with invalids
.expetitur aegris .and sold
fetch what it may .a knot
of fire takes up residence
.igneus nodus .a white
day containing in itself
a knot .today the sun is
shining, the sky is laughing
.laudatus. I’m alive .and
flames playing in the sand
.cauterizing .and the knot
pinches, the knot was sent
half of Acarnania is upside
down .fiery pillars reaching
hinges, loosening .presteres
.igneus turbo .and servos.

Published on April 28, 2023