Harvard Review 15

Harvard Review 15

Stratis Haviaras



Pavlos Matesis

from Mother of the Dog

Ersi Sotiropoulou

from Vacation without Corpse

from Holiday Weekend in Yannina

Kidneys with Mustard Sauce

Mr. Nikos Nikou

Maria Efstathiadi

from The Unseen Which Gazes at You

Amanda Michalopoulou


Tatiana Averoff

The Pagana: Christmas 1877


Athena Andreadis

The Rehearsal of Misunderstanding

Sarah Kafatou

An Interview with W. G. Sebald

Gerald Williams

Olympia’s Demise: 7 Meetings with Maurice Girodias

Patricia Chute

Anton Chekhov: The House in Yalta and the Final Years

Capi Corrales

Letter from Extremadura, Spain

Sayre Phillips Sheldon

A Cambridge Literary Footnote: First Performance of The Antiphon


Deborah Stewart

Why Music

David St. John


Cynthia Huntington

Sleeping Out

White Roses

Yusef Komunyakaa


Body of a Dog (Cadavere di un Cane)

Chard DeNiord


Joseph Lease

What Is Necessary

Katherine Lederer

Open Invitation

Geoffrey Movius

Tashlich Service

Terese Svoboda

Summer Sale

David Wojahn

Testings, 1956

Chris Wallace-Crabbe

A Symbolist Afternoon

Amy Dryansky

Merit Badge

Jenny Mastoraki

from With a Crown of Light

William Olsen

To A Fly

Tina Barr


Emily Skoler


Dennis Schmitz


Matthew Zapruder

The Old World

Nancy Eimers

Crossroads Mall

Ralph Angel


Paula Goldman


Kathryn Rhett


Philip Schultz

The Stuntman

Dean Young

Chapped Lips

Joshua Weiner

The World’s Room

Eve Alexandra

The Means of Production

Christophoros Liondakis

The Origin of the Smoker

Philip Booth


Ellen Davis

Small Town, Big Picture

Linda Bamber


Sue Kwock Kim


Tomaž Šalamun


Mamma Merda

Dino Siotis

The Mango Tree

Steven Cramer

Lunch at the Underground

Charles Harper Webb

Someone Else’s Good News

David Breskin

The Jug Shop

Robert Campbell

Linda’s Coat

Diana Der-Hov Anessian

Hand in Hand



Stanford Anderson

Société Imaginaire


Kevin McGrath

Adieu by Haris Vlavianos

Eros, Eros, Eros by Odysseus Elytis

From Purple Into Night by Katerina Anghelaki-Rooke

Mary Jo Bang

After All: Last Poems by William Matthews

Samuel Jay Keyser

Artificial Heart by Peter Gizzi

Dithyrambs by Richard Katrovas

William Doreski

Century Dead Center by George Economou

Life and Death by Robert Creeley

Genevieve Abravanel

Charlkmarks on Stone by Carol Moldaw

Trace Elements by Barbara Jordan

Valerie Duff-Strautmann

Dark Sky Question by Larissa Szporluk

Liam Rector

Donkey Gospel by Tony Hoagland

Going Fast by Frederick Seidel

Bruce Bennett

Erasable Walls by Lance Larsen

Barry Mazur

Eyetrouble by Martha Ronk

Keith Gessen

How It All Began: The Prison Novel by Nikolai Bukharin

Robert Darling

It’s Hard to Get the Angle Right by Bruce Bennett

Graham Christian

Lioness by Kevin McGrath

Sermons: Biblical Wisdom for Daily Living by Peter Gomes

The Good Book: Reading the Bible by Peter Gomes

Pamela Greenberg

Long Like a River by Nancy Schoenberger

Sands of the Well by Denise Levertov

Heather White

Mysteries of Small House by Alice Notley

Marcia Deihl

Our Private Lives by Daniel Halpern

Barnard E. Morris

Science & Steepflower by Forrest Gander

Ellen Davis

Sweet Machine by Mark Doty

Douglas K. Currier

The Thread by Stephen Sandy

Cola Franzen

To Painting: Poems by Rafael Alberti

Ann Snodgrass

The Turning by Hilda Morley

Dana Bonstrom

To Seek Out New Life: Biology of Star Trek by Athena Andreadis

Magdalena Carpenter

Wakefulness by John Ashbery